Get your protein!

Protein is important for all martial artists and sports enthusiasts. Protein is present in all our cells and is vital in the building and repair of muscle, plus in the creation of bone, cartilage, blood and skin. Protein also...

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Fear of fat

People hear the word ‘fat’ in relation to nutrition and generally run away screaming, but there is no need for this reaction. Many fats are good for us and our bodies need fat in order to absorb nutrients, as...

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Simple and complex carbs in energy production

Be fuelled for longer, rather than be flooded by a fast glut of energy Carbohydrates, or carbs, come in two forms - simple and complex. The ones we need more of for the sake of our health are complex carbs....

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Watch the calories!

If you want to control your weight it is calories that count We have all heard of ‘counting the calories’, but what does that actually mean? All energy, from food to battery power, is measured in calories. A calorie is...

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Getting into exercise

From couch potato to making the first step towards a health lifestyle We all know that regular exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and that people that lead active lifestyles are at a reduced risk of...

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Southern Crane Kungfu Summer Camp Diary 2014

By Sami Kargupta Day 1 The sun was shining and there was a light breeze blowing, offsetting the heat and making the weather nigh-on perfect. We were to set off from Sutton, our destination being the seaside town of Weymouth. We...

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Success for all at SCK’s summer camp

Southern Crane Kungfu recently held a training camp in Weymouth on the south coast of England, where a group of hard working students studied the finer points of their martial art under a burning but very welcome sun, overlooking...

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How Southern Crane Kungfu has changed my life for the better

By Julia Foggo, junior student, Southern Crane Kungfu Six months ago I wanted a new challenge, not just for my fitness but also something that would hold my interest and help me get to know people outside of my working...

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From World of Warcraft to kungfu fighting

By Sami Kargupta, student, Southern Crane Kungfu “Stop playing video games and do something productive!” The dulcet tones carried into my room, disrupting my epic session on World of Warcraft. The voice belonged to my father, who was clearly jealous of...

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New Kid’s Class at SCK!

We are very pleased to announce that thanks to the massive popularity of our Thursday night kungfu class for children, we are now opening a new class for kids on Monday night, at the same time and place, from...

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