Heather McLean will be teaching the first movements of the Eight Section Brocade of General YueFei, Song Dynasty 960AD to 1279AD, in this masterclass. These eight ancient movements were designed to create the complete warrior, waking the organs to stimulate the creation and then flow of chi around the body, giving strength and flexibility, and training the senses.
These are the rare, original movements and involve low stances throughout, however students will be taught in line with their own capability. Heather will take students through each movement in detail.
The class will be 2.5 hours long, and is open to anyone, members and non members. Please contact Heather for more details on the number below if you are not a member of Southern Crane Kungfu.
The class will be held in Nonsuch Park (Cheam Village entrance, small field near the mansion) if the weather is good, or at Tolworth Recreation Centre (squash court) if it is raining heavily. Check on the Saturday prior to confirm the venue location.